Friday, November 13, 2015

21 Months Old - Physical Exam NO HIP DYSPLASIA

My mom took me to the doctor this week and we had X-Rays done. I have been limping a whole lot lately and she was getting worried that I might have hip dysplasia. Yea! I don't!! But...the doctor said I have some soft tissue in my right knee and I need some medication if I start limping again - for the pain and I am not supposed to run too hard for 10 days. 
Last night I forgot - and I ran really really hard because I got excited that it was cool weather and dad was out with me in the backyard. So this morning my knee is hurting again.  So mom says she is picking up the medicine for me today and this time I really have to not run for 10 days. Mom says she does not want me to have to have surgery. The doctor said I may have to see a specialist if I don't get it healed up. That doesn't sound like fun.

Note from Mom: Opie has limped off and on any time he has played too hard. It usually only lasts a day or so and then he is back to normal. I have always giving him treats with glucosomine in them but I think it is time to get the regular pills that are full dose. I am so glad to know there are no signs of hip dysplasia! That has been a big fear for me. American Bulldogs are notorious for that! Of course, this doesn't mean he won't ever develop it, but at least there are not signs of it now. 

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